05 August 2021The First School Desk was Produced in the Workshop Created by TİKA in Ethiopia
The first desk was produced in the desk workshop created by the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) for the Mekanisa Abadir School in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.
In order to have the desks for the school, Mekanisa Abadir School sent a project application to the TİKA’s Program Coordination Office. This school provides education for the levels from kindergarten to high school in Addis Ababa, where more than 1500 students are educated. Known for its special activities in terms of sustainability and effectiveness in development aid, TİKA has made a difference again with this project.
TİKA, attaching special importance to projects aimed at strengthening its human resource capacity and education, has also developed this project presented by the Mekanisa Abadir School and brought it to a level that will not only meet the desk need of the school but also supported the production process, maintenance, and repair of all wooden materials.
Thus, by providing all the necessary tools to create a workshop that will allow wood and metalworking in a suitable part of the school, it has been made possible to make maintenance and repairs when necessary and to produce all kinds of wooden school furniture, especially products such as tables, chairs, cabinets. Thus, while furniture for school was being produced and when necessary, its maintenance and repair work are being done, students and school staff had an opportunity to gain different professional skills.
The ceremony was held on Sunday, August 1, and awards were given to successful students. At the end of the ceremony, the first desk produced under the Desk Workshop Project was exhibited and a certificate of appreciation was given to TİKA for its support. TİKA’s Addis Ababa Program Coordinator Cengiz Polat received the certificate on behalf of TİKA.