
08 October 2013

Support Was Given To The Visit To Inspect The Medical Training Project

Support Was Given To The Visit To Inspect The Medical Training Project


With the contributions of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency Directorate, a four person task force comprised of experts from the Ministry of Health made a visit to Uzbekistan in order to ensure efficient preparation of the training programs in Turkey, determine the application content of the training program and provide appropriate and efficient training according to the needs of the Uzbek doctors who will be coming to Turkey for the program.
Through the cooperation of TİKA and the Ministry of Health, medical training is being organized in our country for doctors and health personnel working in hospitals under the Uzbekistan Ministry of Health. A short term vocational training course is being provided to Uzbek doctors in training and research hospitals under our Ministry of Health in order to develop cooperation based on mutual benefit and equality in the field of health and medicine within the scope of the Cooperation Agreement in the Field of Health and Medicine Between Turkey and the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Support was requested from the Uzbekistan Ministry of Health for training programs to be organized in Turkey for pediatrics, neonatology and gynecology experts working in the field of mother and child health in Uzbekistan. In this scope our Ministry of Health planned training programs to be provided to a total of 125 Uzbek doctors between the years 2013 and 2015, with the cooperation of TİKA and started to carry out these programs.

During the training, which was realized with the contributions of TİKA, 13 Uzbek health personnel working in Uzbekistan received training at the Dr. Sami Ulus Children’s Health Training and Research Hospital and Etlik Zübeyde Hanım Women’s Health Training and Research Hospital between June 18 and July 07, 2013. In order for the training programs organized in Turkey to be prepared efficiently, to determine the content of the vocational training and provide the Uzbek doctors who will be coming to Turkey with effective training a 4 person task force comprised of Ministry of Health experts made a survey trip to Uzbekistan. Within the scope of the Medical Training Project, the 4 person group comprised of Ministry of Health experts met with Uzbekistan Ministry of Health officials through the coordination of TİKA and made inspections and assessments towards developing cooperation between the two countries in the field of health.

The TİKA officials accompanied the task force formed by Hediye Karataş, in charge of the Ministry of Health Foreign Affairs and European Union General Directorate Medical Training Project, Dr. Sami Ulus Maternity, Children’s Health and Diseases Training and Research Hospital Education Coordinator Specialist Dr. Pelin Zorlu, Etlik Zübeyde Hanım Women’s Health Training and Research Hospital Education Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Berna Dilbaz and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nihal Demirel, in charge of the Neonatology Clinic.

The Uzbekistan Ministry of Health officials were met with during the visit. In the meeting attended by Uzbekistan Ministry of Health Mother and Child Health General Directorate Chairman Saitmurat İsmailov, Republic Maternity and Gynecology Institute Director Prof. Dr. Sait Sultanov, Republic Specialized Scientific Practice Pediatrics Medical Center Director Dilara Ahmedova, Republic Perinatal Center Assistant Director Saida Hasanova, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Clinic Assistant Chief Physician Torkun Rahimoviç, No 5 State Children’s Clinical Hospital Chief Physician Dilya Devletova and Zafer İsmailov from the Ministry of Health Mother and Child Health General Directorate; the importance of the cooperation continuing between Turkey and Uzbekistan was emphasized. The Ministry of Health officials from Uzbekistan said that this cooperation has provided them with great opportunities to provide more productive and better quality health services to patients in their country.

The task force visited the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Clinic within the scope of the visit. In the presentation given by the Clinic’s Chief Physician Gulirano Usmanova he said that great importance was placed on in-service training at the clinic and that the clinic’s doctors and nurses had received training in Germany, Turkey, Russia, South Korea and Israel. An inspection was made of the newborn unit which had previously been organized by TİKA provided with devices. In the statement made by the Uzbek doctors here they expressed gratitude for the support of TİKA in contributing to the efficient establishment and use of this department.

As a result of the meetings and visits to health centers onsite assessments were made concerning the standards of training on obstetrics, pediatrics and neonatology in Uzbekistan. Information was obtained about the physical conditions of the centers which were examined, the medical devices on hand, bed capacities, number of patients, number of health workers and their qualifications. Information was also obtained on mother and child death rates and projects concerning mother and child health being carried out with who.


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