
27 May 2013

TİKA Gave Technical Equipment Support To Macedonia Ministry Of Justice

TİKA Gave Technical Equipment Support To Macedonia Ministry Of Justice

Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency supported to Court of Appeal in Skopje and Courts of First Instance in Gostivar.

Some equipment like computers, printers, projectors, external memories, modems, air conditioners, scanners and recorders were provided by TİKA. With a ceremony, the equipment was delivered to the authorities.

Blerim Bexeti, the Minister of Justice, Salih Murat, Member of the Constitutional Court, Ms. Aleksandra Zafirovska, the President of Macedonia’s Judical Council, Faik Arslani, the Judge of the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice Lupka Arsenievska, the Deputy Minister of Justice, the President of Courts of First Instance in Gostivar Kirko Mihaylovski, TİKA authorities and a number of judges and prosecutors attended the ceremony.

The Minister of Justice Blerim Bexeti expressed his appreciation in the opening ceremony. He said that the cooperation between Prime Ministry of Republic of Turkey and Republic of Macedonia was the production of a successful cooperation.

“Independence of judiciary and strengthening of judiciary are one of the important considerations in the process of European Integration of Republic of Macedonia. Besides that, justice institutions have a great role for maintaining a reliable life of citizens and being free of citizens” he noted.

He extended his thanks to TİKA and stated that he hopes the cooperation with TİKA will continue in the future.



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