18 August 2017Water Purification Project in Ecuador
Tarsicio Granizo, the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Ecuador, thanked Turkey for the project of water purification, which was undertaken by The Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA).
The system of floating islands became operational through the support of TİKA. The system functions as a result of the natural habitat above purifying the underlying estuarine water in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Minister Granzio saluted the Turkish people and government and went on to state that this project which was undertaken for the first time through the support of TİKA will provide the regeneration of that region of Guayaquil, conveying “We appreciate the Turkish people and government for this project.”
In addition to Minister Granzio, Nelson Zambrano, the Undersecretary of Marine and Coastal Management, Lizet Rendon, a delegate from the Ministry of Environment, Assoc.Prof. Mehmet Özkan, TİKA Program Coordinator based in Bogota, and other local and military officers participated in the ceremony. They examined the project on-site.
A group of women from the local community performed folk dances after the ceremony.
Purification through Floating Islands
There are many islands and estuaries in Guayaquil, a region where the rivers of Babahoyo and Daule merges with the Pacific Ocean. The Ecuadorian government makes an effort to protect and clean the region of Estero Salado which was declared as a conservation area. Prior to the project, this area was affected by water pollution.
Floating islands are composed of 6 square meter platforms above which there are many plants. This project aims to produce bacterial zones on the surface of the platforms which touches the water and absorbs waste materials. Through this system, these platforms will be able to produce oxygen from the water.
TİKA Operations in Ecuador
Coordinator Özkan emphasized that people should be responsive to environmental pollution and added that this problem has been resolved in Guayaquil. However, environmental pollution is not a local problem and it should be a source of concern for all humankind. He expressed his pleasure for TİKA’s contribution to the project undertaken for the first time in Ecuador. He also stated that he met Rocio Gonzales Navas, the wife of the President of the Republic of Ecuador in order to come up with other projects regarding women, children and disabled people.
Turkish Park which was constructed by TİKA in Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, had been inaugurated with the participation of Korkut Güngen, the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Quito, Prof. Dr. Birol Çetin, the Vice President of TİKA, and many official delegates. At the same period, a protocol regarding educational cooperation between Turkey and Ecuador had been signed by Vice President Çetin and Miguel Herrera, former Deputy Minister of Education.